While am not formally entering the weekend experience challenge, I am intrigued by the topic and going to chip in my bit. There are times where I feel like my efforts should be better appreciated but they're not. This comes across both my family and at the office. Of course I realise that this is pretty normal, and as a human being a little appreciation goes a long way in our relationships with one another.
Yet I think there's a problem with familiarity that easily leads to common faults. When people become too accustomed to seeing one perform the trap is set. The first realization we have of this is the relationship we have with our parents. For the most parts we commonize their sacrifices until we become parents ourselves and see the magnitude of it. Of course there are clear expectations that come with parenthood so perhaps this isn't a perfect example. But expectations notwithstanding, a decent job should be commended by every means.
Some expectations take a long time to mature though. Unlike companies that give half and full year appraisals with family for instance it doesn't quite follow. Sometimes I get bitter when I feel like my efforts are not seen, but I nonetheless understand that there are different scorecards in life when talking about performance. I'm not perfect either, and have also been on the giving end of rather arrogant takes about the efforts others put into my life. I guess it takes some level of discipline to be self conscious about appreciating people for their efforts.
That's not to say I won't take or be taken for granted anymore. I just understand that effort needs to be recognized and sometimes we as humans fail to do so. I try to send appreciation messages and let people know how much I appreciate them when I can. It is especially true when it comes to those all too familiar to us.