A close friend has been down over a bad breakup. She didn't really expect it happen. There were signs but it was somewhat unexpected so it hasn't processed kindly. I've tried my best to be there for her and which each passing day there has been progress. I've watched her go from completely broken to being able to cope in just a matter of days. Am just amazed at what time is capable of.
They say some wounds never really heal, but surely they can close with the passage of time. We'll have to be careful not to reopen certain wounds but time certainly is our biggest influence. It is why we shouldn't be in a hurry to base our decisions on what we see in the present, even when it doesn't appear very pleasant. Even the smallest of results can compound greatly in time and become something truly remarkable. The problem is that many of us are so caught up in the moment that we don't think beyond what is right in front of us. Sometimes it is also very difficult to do so, with the ever present challenges that life throws our way.
One thing that holds true though is that time passes whether we want to accept it or not. We stand at a crossroads for every decision that we do take and most of the times there is no compulsion to perform even the most beneficial of tasks. What is present is a consequences showing the possible outcomes of our choices. Those outcomes for people who are forward thinking can be excellent motivators to perform in the present. It is all about how the present affects the future.
I certainly pray for the grace to keep an eye on the long term outcomes irrespective of current circumstances. It is a superpower that few people truly appreciate. My friend ultimately will be alright. She's averted the worst of it. The important thing is not to make permanent decisions based on temporary challenges.
Breakups are hard. Having a friend nearby helps heal in that time.
Glad I could be there for her. Good to see you around here Kubs
Always a good time to work on health and bettering yourself. It's the best payback and very healing. Time does heal.
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
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