Beauty is a topic that has been debated for many years, where it has been held to certain standards, and being persecuted by many people, both men and women, since it has been classified as the most acceptable to a society, in where being classified as ugly does not have the same rights or adorations as one with beauty, but what is beauty in itself? Is it just having a good body and a pretty face? have fashionable clothes and a good economy? Or can beauty go beyond the superficial, the external? of just that body that is sometimes not natural but is operated? Or that some have lost their lives for believing that there is beauty in being thin? where the obese person is isolated to one side because they do not have the sympathy of the standards that are classified on beauty where to be accepted they must have characteristics such as:
Thinness: This is one of the main standards that is most debated, where to be accepted as a beautiful person, you must have a thin body, that has its curvature, where it is intensified in beauty pageants we see that beautiful women who are thin, to be beautiful you must be thin, otherwise you are outside of being beautiful.
Light skin: In ancient times, white skin was the best race, where dark skin was always migrated and enslaved, even today there is this type of classification that to be beautiful your skin must be light, where in the There are beauty products on the market to lighten the skin.
Facial features: Among the classification of these standards, it must be symmetrical, where it must have beautiful eyes, even the lightest ones are the most appreciated, fleshy lips, a straight nose, and a well-defined jaw makes the person be considered pretty.
Long and silky hair: There are many beauty products on the market where the main products are to straighten the hair, the longer and silkier it is among the beauty standards. Many people sacrifice their hair, sometimes damaging it, even damaging their health, just to have hair that meets the standard of straightness.
These are some that can be mentioned that are among the standards of society so that it can be classified among the status of beauty. But we can see the beauties beyond this are external, it cannot be denied that aesthetics are very important, but what do we do with a pretty face, a nice body, but being one with a bad personality, with having bad education, there the Eternal beauty is lost when dealing with a person who is rude, since there is no sympathy to continue dealing with a person like that.
So where we can say that beauty should lie, it should be from the authenticity of a person and their uniqueness, since many people are not authentic but are copies of others who are popular, to have the same popularity, seeing this from within. A person can suffer for just copying another, who knows that they will be accepted for being someone else and not being themselves, it is sad not to have originality, you are beautiful by being authentic, a nice smile that you give, being kind, the strength that comes of a good, charitable person.
But to be able to appreciate this type of beauty we must not only see them with our eyes, but we must go further from the heart, where we can even appreciate the beauty of nature, a beautiful sunrise, the melody of the bird's song, sometimes We stop perceiving the beauty of a human being by simply allowing ourselves to be carried away by social standards. It is the same that the only beauty also comes from youth alone, that if you are not young you are no longer beautiful, we must understand that true beauty should have neither age nor measurements, we must go beyond those industrial standards of fashion and advertising, this must be about self-love and acceptance.
To have that beauty one must come from the inside to the outside, where from within you, love and appreciate you just as you are, be unique and authentic, always give a beautiful smile. You must be brave to look at yourself in the mirror, to accept, to love yourself, to see yourself beautiful, sexy, because if you don't look like that, no one will see you that way, stop looking at such empty standards that exist in this society, that Despite the world being so updated, we still have old and empty thoughts.
In conclusion, beauty must come from within, not from the superficial, since the physical one day ends, but there will always remain that sympathy, that originality, that essence that makes you unique inside, explore our beauty is a beautiful journey that It starts from our self-knowledge and connection with the world around us, it is opening our eyes to see beyond the superficial and physical.
Again in the event of the month of March, from inleo if you want to know more information here is the link:
Explorando la Belleza: Más Allá de la Superficialidad
La belleza es un tema que se ha debatido durante muchos años, en donde se ha tenido con ciertos estandares, y siendo perseguida por muchos personas tanto en hombre como en mujeres, ya que se ha clasificado entre con mas la aceptación a una sociedad, en donde al ser calificada como un fea no tiene los mismo derecho o adoraciones de una con belleza, pero en si que es la belleza? es solo tener un buen cuerpo y una cara bonita? tener ropa a la moda y una buena economia? o la belleza puede ir mas alla de lo superficial, de lo externo? de solo ese cuerpo a veces no natural si no que es operado? o que algunos han perdido la vida por creer que ser delgado existe la belleza? en donde la persona con obesa son aislado a un lado porque no tiene la simpatia de los estadanres que se clasifica sobre la belleza en donde que para ser aceptado debe tener caracteristica como:
Delgades: Este es unos de los principales estadares que mas debate se tiene, en donde para hacer aceptado entre ser una persona bella, debe ser un cuerpo delgado, que tenga su curvatura, en donde se intensifica en los certamen de belleza vemos a esa hermosas mujeres que son delgadas, para ser bella debe ser delgada, sino estas fuera de ser bella.
Piel clara: En la antiguedad la piel blanca era la mejor raza, en donde la piel oscura siempre fue de migrada y esclavizada, aun hoy en dia existe este tipo de clasificiacion que para ser bella tu piel debe ser clara, en donde en el mercado hay productos de bellezas para aclarar la piel.
Rasgos faciales: Entre la clasificacion de esos estadanres debe ser simetrico, en donde debe poseer unos hermosos ojos, hasta lo mas claros son las mas apreciados, unos labios carnoso, una nariz recta, y una mandibula bien defina hace que la persona pueda considerearse bella.
Cabello Largo y sedoso: Existe muchos productos de belleza en el mercado en donde los principales produco es para alisar el cabello, que entre mas lasio y sedoso esta entre los estadanres de belleza. Muchas personas sacrifica su cabello a veces dañandolo, hasta perjudicando su salud, solo por tener un cabello con el estandar de liso.
Estos son algunos que se pueden mencionar que se encuentra entre los estandare de la sociedad para que pueda clasificar entre el estatus de la belleza. Pero podemo ver la bellezas mas alla de esto estan externo,no se puede negar qu la estetica es muy importate, pero que hacemos con una cara bonita, un bonito cuerpo, pero ser una con una mala personalidad, con tener mala educación, ahi la belleza se pierde la eterna cuando trata con una persona de ser mala educada, ya que no existe la simpatia para seguir tratando con una persona asi.
Entonces de donde podemos decir que debe radicar la belleza, deberia ser de la autenticidad de una persona y su singularidad, ya que muchos personas no son autentica sino que son copias de otras que son populares, para tener la misma popularidad, viendo desde dentro esta persona puede sufrir por solo estar copiando a otra, que sabe que sera aeptada por ser otra y no ser ella misma, este es triste no tener la originalidad, eres bella siendo autentica, una linda sonrisa que brindes, ser amables, la fuerza que vene de una persona buena, caritativa.
Pero para poder apreciar este tipo de belleza no solo debemos verlos con los ojos, sino que debemos ir mas alla desde el corazón, en donde podemos apreciar hasta la belleza de la naturaleza, un lindo amanecer, la melodia del canto del pajaro, a veces dejamos de percebir la belleza de un ser humanos por solo dejarnos llevar por los estandares sociales. Es igual que la unica belleza tambien viene de solo de la juventud, que si no eres joven ya no eres bellezas, debemos enterder que la verdaera belleza no debe tener ni edad, ni medidas, debemos ir mas alla de esos estandares industriales de la moda y la publicidad, esto debe estar en el amor propio y aceptacion.
Para tener esa belleza uno debe venir desde el interior al exterior, en donde desde dentro de ti, te ame y aprecie tal cual eres, se unica y autentica, siempre brinda una linda sonrisa. Debe ser valiente en mirarte en el espejo, en aceptar, en amarte, verte hermosa, sexy, porque si tu no te vez asi, nadie te vera de esa forma, deja de buscar en unos estandares tan vacio que existe en esta sociedad, que a pesar de estar tan actualizado el mundo aun tenemos pensamientos antiguos y vacios.
En conclusion la belleza debe venir dese dentro, no de lo superficial, ya que el fisico un dia se acaba, pero siempre quedara esa simpatia, esa originalidad, esa encencia que te hace unica en el interior, explora nuestra belleza es un hermosos viaje que inicia desde nuestro autoconocimiento y conexion con el mundo que nos rodea, es abrir los ojos ver mas alla desde lo superficial y físico.
Again in the event of the month of March, from inleo if you want to know more information here is the link:
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