Howdy Folks!
As the title might suggest - this post is about HoneyGain! If the name sounds familiar or oddly similar, it should. It’s the newest project of the folks who started HoneyMiner. Which in my opinion, was more of a waste of time than looking for change in a dumpster in San Francisco to put it lightly.
I’ve been fiddling with passive background apps as the pressure to get to buy more and more crypto and invest in liquidity mining has me feeling horrible FOMO.
The HoneyMiner App:
As their previous website suggests; they’ve ceased direct Bitcoin mining operations. Frankly I’m happy about this considering how awful of a ‘service’ it was (at least personally speaking). They had I think a $1 sign on bonus and I’ve already earned more from my iPhone being signed into the newer app in 12 hours than I had in the 2 weeks I had the previous version installed on my actual desktop.
The HoneyGain App:
I don’t remember quite exactly how HM (HoneyMiner) worked in regards to earning potential. If memory serves right they had their own Bitcoin mining pool and you contributed hashpower to it, the typical Bitcoin mining process. With HG performs much differently. Not only are payments finalized in USD but they use your devices’ spare bandwidth to generate the income.
*Directly from their help desk:
You can read more about HG’s data usage function from their blog link right here:
The Onboarding Process:
They’re really thorough on this with their Help Desk. I can’t think of a device it won’t run on. It was running on my IOS device and my extra android within an hour last night seamlessly. The only things you’ll need is your email address and multi-currency wallet. Also preferable is a solid Wifi network or an unlimited data plan. I’m still trying to figure out why my IPhone is ironically earning at 1/100th of my Android - but I believe it’s because my Android doesn’t have any other apps being used on it. You can even see which is making what from the app’s dashboard!
After your first day you’ll get a daily ‘Lucky Pot’ which you’re able to open up and it’ll give you up to $10 in credits (10,000 to be precise). I got 100 last night which was pretty nifty.
But what’s the catch?…🤨
That’s the neat part. There isn’t one! (AFAIK) and they’re 100% transparent on how the whole thing works.
Directly from their help desk-
Is Honeygain safe? What user data is being collected?
Your security is important to us. And as the queen bee knows her bees, we know our business partners!
We don’t gather any data from our users. The only data we will have is what will be necessary for the service. This includes your email address, your IP address, and your chosen payout methods.
Honeygain’s app connection is inaccessible by outsiders and is fully encrypted, guaranteeing that the private information is unreachable. Rest assured and make money from home without any security threats!
In case I haven’t covered a particular base you’re curious about, head on over to their help desk -
I completely forgot to mention their ref program which is really good for new users considering how new HG is.
Rest assured your earnings aren’t affected by using my ref link. You’ll simply get a $5 bonus which gets you 25% way towards your first payout (payout minimum is $20).
here’s that ref link, which is also the first step to getting started -
I really am enjoying this app, and I’d suggest checking out my previous article on another app I discovered that I continue to use to this day and plan on utilizing their automated funds and free Bitcoin cloud mining.
Also if you’re wanting to cash out in crypto; you can do that daily with what’s called JumpTask. They’ve partnered up with HG so if you decide to put your data toward that avenue you’ll not only get a 50% bonus moving forward but also be able to cash out pretty much the next day.
I use MetaMask so I can easily access PancakeSwap & trade the tokens for another BSC token. It’s really up to you how you want to utilize your bandwidth :)
Anyways take care my friends! I’ll be trying to post more. Thanks for your time 😄😄😄
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