Wants whales and early holders of large stake to sell so their large power hold over the entire chain as is eventually gone(75/25 rewards actually did that).
The only thing that it incentivized was self-votes and actually accelerated a lot of concentration of power for those who didn't sell. I guess short-term memories about Haejin and Traf is a thing.
I wont touch the other parts, just find it curious people want whales to be forever leaders
If you want to get rid of your share in governance, then feel free to do so. Don't tell other people that they should give up theirs because you can't help but throwing yours out for a mess of pottage.
People don't necessarily want them for leaders, but you certainly don't help your position by throwing away your power while they opt to not do so.
Optimal conditions for decentralized proof of stake:
Is when people prefer to hold than selling. Obviously, there's no incentive for the "average" Hiver to hold HP, thus they sell.
Bigger chains like ADA have over 70% of the circulating supply locked up in people's wallets whereas it's much less so on Hive. Ask yourself why.
75/25 bled out many whales overtime whereas 50/50 doesn't. Make an excel spreadsheet and compare it and you will see each year under 75 25 whales get diluted, 50 50 only does if they sell
There were a few examples of that that free downvotes already take care of now so, specific edge cases like haejin have been mostly dealt with now.
There is no defined technical spec you can point to that requires 20 people to hold over 50 percent of HP for Hive to function.
I do sometimes do that so I decentralize the chain further by allowing my small portion of liquid hive to be used by a new person powering up.
I can and will write what I want to, and advocate for what I want to. I'm not saying "tell" whales did x, I'm saying advocate they do. That's what witnesses and whales are, politicians wielding varying degrees of power, I'm sure you can appreciate people getting thier viice heard to thier representatives right? Who I vote as witness represents me after all, and who I dont vite for also does due to the power dynamics of hive governance.
Hive would be more decentralized without whales, we escaped Justin Sun but we clearly didnt learn our lesson if we r defending whales