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RE: The Age Of James Webb Begins

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Nice thoughts about this excellent news.

This new $10 billion dollar space telescope is equipped with better technologies and is NASA's largest and most powerful space science telescope.

NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) and CSA (Canadian Space Agency). They too did a lot of work to deserve credit. I know, NASA's fame tends to overshadow others :D

Some may even think or believe that fate of the Earth is doomed one way or the other. And the only way out to preserve the continuation of human species is taking on a space journey to find a new home and start new civilizations. If this notion is true, then I would say, perhaps finding new home is a bad idea. If we can't keep the home we have intact, what logical reason is there we won't repeat the same elsewhere. Such views are probably in a tiny minority. I am more optimistic about the future of the Earth and humanity.

Yes, I think we should do everything possible. However, I am inclined to think that it is more likely that we will become extinct before that happens.

Our space craft, Earth, has been carrying us all around the universe.

I've also used that metaphor, hehe.


You are absolutely right. All involved do deserve credits. Thanks mentioning them.