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RE: The Number Of Active Hive Accounts Is Growing | Data On Active Accounts by Posting, Curating, Transfers and Custom JSON Operations | August 2021

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I may be a living proof that newcomers are checking out other apps. I started splinterlands 10 days ago, and brought several friends with me. 6 persons in total. Amongst those, only one another is checking other apps on HIVE. Still, 2 within them didn't even do crypto before that. Still trying to figure all that out, but so far I find the HIVE community amazing.


Would love to read your story how did you find out about Splinterlands, how you make the account and how did you started comenting here :)

Make a post and tag me or just put a link as a reply in this commnet.

Sure ! I am away for the week-end but I will do that when I get back. Where would be the best place to post that? Leofinance, splintertalk, peakd? I haven't made a single post yet, and tbh I'm a bit lost with all those communities.

Use the #introduceyourselftag for your first post ... if its heavy realated to splinterlands then post in that community ... you can use peakd with the right tags ...or the frontend

Thanks a lot !

Nice to know. Welcome