At the core of anarchism is opt-in governance and the automation of authority. No one should be in charge; our ideals should be in charge and the governed should implicitly consent to the rulesets given. Everyone who supports crypto supports anarchism whether they know it or not. This is the exact point of crypto: to automate out the middle man and decentralize money/power.
... a good idea, to be measured against reality, as always.
There are always middle men where there are people who want to exchange something for something else - remotely. So if I go to the market with my cryptos and I say I want to sell them or buy them, am I not dealing with a middleman platform? With programmers who make the marketplace accessible and with shares that go to the operators through this work? The only thing that works completely without any intermediary is the exchange of things or services face to face, in the physical world. Everything else, if you ask me, is built on intermediaries and brokers.
I am not certain about the decentralization of Hive as one talks in that manner that "it must become as big as the other big players". But once it's big, it shows that it was centralized from the beginning. Anarchism works, from my point of view, only in small and decentral units (best offline). ...