regular people seem disinterested but eventually they will come join us!
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are like the Jehova's Witnesses of the digital world.
Have you heard about our lord and savior, Satoshi Nakamoto?
lol, best wishes to you!
regular people seem disinterested but eventually they will come join us!
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are like the Jehova's Witnesses of the digital world.
Have you heard about our lord and savior, Satoshi Nakamoto?
lol, best wishes to you!
They will join us. They will learn. Just not quickly enough!
He/she/they saved us and will be the saviour of all. Lola. Best wishes to you too mate :-)
Posted using Dapplr
Does that mean they don't celebrate their kids' birthdays?
That's one fact I learnt about Jehova's.
I get your point though. We are but it's getting easier these days. I tend to attract more and more interested people ( and I'm in the Portuguese country side )
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta