Quick: How many clicks does it take to join Hive?
I'd like to see us remove or reduce the friction points and provide for a smoother experience for new people.
On Twitter for instance, I see many mentions of Hive, but rarely see a "join here" link. I'd also like to see a revamp of the singup process. A one-click button, just like Amazon. Also friendlier text. Right now it says "Signup"" I'd replace that with "Join Hive"
Treat it more like a family or a club. We're not signing up for cable.
Once in at: https://signup.hive.io/ replace "signup for Hive" with "Join Hive" Some people don't like signing up for things as it infers an obligation or a payment. But they are more open to "joining" something like a club or association.
Next up we see the words "Registration Providers" another unfriendly phrase.
Sounds like an insurance company. Words matter.
The potential member is then hit with a dizzying array of NINE different ways to "register" again, friction. None of them has any explanation as to what they are. Written by geeks for geeks. Not at all welcoming to someone new. I'd scrap all of that and replace it with one big red button labeled "join."
I could go on, but you get the idea. Apple is particularly good at boiling multiple steps down to only what is needed. They realize that time is money and create an expierence that gets out of your way and just works. I'd like to see the same thing on Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, simplicity is key in onboarding - with alternative options remaining available, but without introduction of friction. This recent video shows how changes to LeoFinance address this exact issue: https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@khaleelkazi/txnwyrmj
I think the process can be further refined, but it's a start.
Onboarding for Hive is more complex than usual, partially because of the issue of resource credits and partially due to the need to hold HP to interact with the network. This is what caused the idea of gamification to be presented as a solution - whereby new users could get free accounts and then earn their way to a full account. Still quite complicated, but can be made simple if worded and presented correctly.
Ultimately, there needs to be clear communication on all levels - we don't even have a tutorial built into the front ends on any hive sites I've seen. The familiar tooltip type popup boxes that point out areas of the site and educate new users can go a long way. People do make decent videos from time to time but they lack marketing budget to promote them... The decentralisation is both a benefit and a challenge at times. I'm sure if the community truly worked together we'd accelerate dramatically.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
With people such as yourself that "get it" I'm sure we will tackle this in time. I don't want to completely remove the numerous choices, just don't hit them with it right at the very beginning, thus scaring people away. Ease them in with a one-click join button and then gently introduce them to other options and slowly seep them into the complex parts.
When I was new to the net, like many others I joined (notice that word?) AOL. They had little animations that would show you exactly what to insert and click on. I had an issue once and it offered "Would you like AOL to help you with that?" I clicked yes and it went and did everything for me like magic. It was awesome and I stayed with them for a long time. I have every confidence that we can and will reduce friction for new people.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta