They must not have higher character counts allowed on Shorts. Your tag abuse is taking you over the character limit and not showing them on the InLeo frontent
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They must not have higher character counts allowed on Shorts. Your tag abuse is taking you over the character limit and not showing them on the InLeo frontent
please how many tags is recommended,
Please don't take it so, little did I know... But it's fine, am gonna work on it.... Thanks alot
It's actually because @calebmarvel01 hasn't granted authority to @leofinance
This is fixed in Labs where the UI will prevent you from being able to upload shorts unless you have given authority
Caleb - please don't x out the screen that asks you to grant authority to @leofinance. If you don't grant authority, your shorts won't get posted correctly
Thanks very much sir, it has been working before because I have granted it after the leoShorts came out and I have been posting shorts until that day... But it working now because I signed out and in.. Then it started working.. Thanks Very much for your support...