I read this post with much interest, everything you said in this post are true. Even though I am still not yet familiar with most things on Hive, I have both seen and experience a high degree of partiality or should I call it racism from some community owned by those set of people you called westerners. I was abused and called names just for trying to get attention from a community. It's horrible how these people branded Africans as poor and cheaters when the bulks of the Data that powered the Hive network are produced by mostly Africans.
This is one of the reasons I am trying to create a safe haven for Nigerians and Africans on hive. Moving around different communities in search of support can be very insulting but i understand that most people do not have a choice. We need to continue to shine the light and be the best we can possibly be in every given situation because that is how high the bar has been raised for us.