,,and have generally given social service away for free with no expected return - but that doesn't really cut it in terms of running a business, there has to be income coming in.''
In the past I have gifted away many of my paintings. I still don't regret giving them for free. But at times I look at the photos of those pieces and wonder: how much would I ask for this if I made it again?
,,But, perhaps people just have nothing better to do with their lives, which is funny as many of them are also from the "YOLO" crowd, meaning that while they know they only love once, they prefer to spend it doing nothing useful, adding nothing of value.''
I guess you meant they only live once. But perhaps some people also only love once. This coincidence is quite amusing because both letters are next to each other on the keyboard and both words still work with the rest of what you said.
,,How much of life's value will you leave on the table?''
I do hope that in my art I have left enough of positivity and myself( my passion, dreams, hopes, fears...My work and time.) to: 1. try to leave this world a better place than I found it. and 2. to make me perhaps not immortal(not even earth is so memory of me will sooner or later fade away)...But to cheat death. To remain even after I will turn to dust. My final Ha ha.
Yes, I meant live once - they do also likely love once too - themselves :)
I wonder if there will ever be a definitive calculation possible to evaluate a life from good to bad.