This post made me once again think about this video:
Without those comparisons with a driving car these numbers of galaxies and universe sizes would mean nothing to me. Even now I can't really comprehend all of this. But explanation like this still makes it more interesting.
Yeah, it is quite incredible when we look at distances or sizes - also time. We live 80 years and think it is a long time.
and here I thought that my desire to get to Bangkok was some kind of legendary journey or a quest on the same level as Labours of Hercules or at least Spartacus rebellion... I guess it means that even the craziest goals and dreams that I might have are not that crazy after all. 😜
We all live our own lives - some people live much more exciting lives than others. I wonder who has really had the "craziest" life ever.
My money on DiogenesI wonder how much of this is true. It all sounds like chuck norris facts.