Value for Value - Earn Satoshis while Listening to Podcasts on Fountain

in LeoFinance2 years ago
Authored by @@vincentnijman


First of all, Happy 2023!
I hope this will be an enriching year for you.

I recenly learnt of a Podcasting (2.0) app titled 'Fountain'.
It pays out tiny bits of bitcoin ( satoshis ) to its users.

Suffice to say that this is the polar opposite of an app like Spotify ( no matter how much I like and use that one ) that lets you pay them per month and earns money with your data.

I've been using Fountain for about half a month now and no matter how low the amount of sats I'm earning/ I've earned so far, it feels empowering to actually get paid for my time, while consuming content ( that I like ).

What I also enjoy, is the option to boost podcasts that I find valuable and to send those people some sats, plus a message to go along with it.

I did this several times and even had a podcaster thanking me at the end of his podcast, today ( love that kind of feedback look! ).

Of course I wouldn't be called finansaurus if I didn't make sure not to spend more on boosts than I earn from listening haha! Let's say that I have spent far too much time of my life spending more than I earn ( like governments tend to do and tend to encourage in people )

To get back to Fountain:

You can even stream a podcast and pay the podcaster back per minute ( paying satoshis for streaming ). There's plenty of ways to return value.

And if you wondered if this was a ponzi scheme or where the satoshis for listening were coming from, here's the answer:

There's some promoted content ( you earn sats when you listen to this ), so I guess they earn some money on ads and then there's a paid plan ( Fountain premium ) that gives you just a little more options to play around with and more ways to earn than the free version.

All in all, Fountain is a perfect example of the so called Value for Value model and hopefully something that we're going to see more and more in the coming years.

I - @vincentnijman aka Hypersensitivosaurus - am considering to give podcasting a try myself in the not too distant future and having my future podcast on there would be pretty cool.

In an upcoming post I will recommend a podcast that I have been enjoying lately ( that talks about economics ) .

Are you thinking of giving Fountain a try? If so I'd appreciate it if you'd use my referral:

and if you're already on Fountain you might want to give me a follow there ( @hypersensitivosaurus ) Thank you!

The image above this post is taken from a screenshot of the Fountain website