Will Bitcoin make America Great again? Podcast recommendation

in LeoFinance6 months ago

This raptor has not been sitting still and continues studying finance, world economics and bitcoin by listening to podcasts and reading (E-)books

and that after having graduated from University in 2007. Perhaps that is part of the reason why I ended up here, as this wasn't long before the previous financial crisis of 2008 and University mainly left me with a student loan debt. So, after almost a decade of struggling, I discovered cryptocurrency and have been all-in, ever since.

Today I want to recommend to you, dear reader, to go listen to the latest episode of "Money Matters (with Jack Mallers)', that aired soon after the latest Bitcoin conference, a place where American Politicians, including Donald T.
not to be confused with Donald D(uck)
, talked about Bitcoin and how they would use it to 'make America great again' (among other things).

In all honesty, it's refreshing to listen to an American, Jack Mallers ( no offense for generalizing ), who is anti-war and speaks openly and honestly about how his own government is making a mess and has done so for decades, affecting the entire world with its dollar hegemony.

It's also quite funny to hear a young guy argue with his own dad aka 'Dollar Bill' ( a man with half a century of (work) experience in finance in his back pocket ) bout economics.

And then there is his quieter friend Dylan and - at times - Jack's mom ( aka 'Bitcoin mom' ) to complete the club and balance things out a bit.

Anyhow, I'm not one to rephrase or summarize content, I merely want to inspire you to give this a go yourself and refresh your economics and finance knowledge. I myself have been listening to each and every episode since it started about half a year ago. With one episode a week of about an hour in length it is possible to keep up and I feel it's worth your time in the value you get back for it.

This friendly giant lizard approves! 👍✅

Here's a link to the latest episode:

or on Spotify

Or give it a listen on Fountain, like I do.