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RE: Hive Middle Class Developing

Ah, but people obviously do like sharing on social media or the big web2 apps wouldn't be so popular. So the problem is the framework and unspoken rules here that holds it back. That only happens because of the weird economics that increases ones power exponentially as they stake more an more. The longer a few grow so large that they cannot be touched before the masses come to even it out, the less likely the masses will come. A cycle that kills growth.

On top of that, crypto is just seen as a grocery store rewards point kills its appeal. After jumping through all the hoops and paying all the fees to withdraw you no longer have $25k and then there are taxes. So, even putting in 50 hrs a week that doesn't take you beyond poverty level earns even less. So, the shown value is just an illusion.

Look at InLeo Evergreen rewards. It's touted as a way to earn forever, but if you power down you can't earn them. So, ever benefit Hive touts are all negated in some way in the name of fighting abuse. Because of this Hive's big day will never come.

My original comment was to bring forth the fact that over 50% of that middle class HP is left by those who have left Hive, because they don't care about the worthless credit earned that's only worth the cost of earning if you live in a poverty stricken 3rd world country. So, guess what the platform's becoming? A 3rd world platform, further taking away it's appeal.

The governance is part of what keeps us from growth and drives people away, because it isn't revolutionary. It's just a worst version of the failed representative real world governments that more and more are coming to hate. Hive is essentially a failed experiment. Either it changes or someone else will build a fixed version and will become dust.


I mean I agree with several points, but 'Either it changes' ultimatum is a bit dramatic. As far as I can see, it's already in a position where people can utilize the platform to create great things. There's just nobody doing it, and I don't know how one would make that change when there's no CEO or any real risk.

Nobody is incentivised to hire a full time staff to expand, nor get any outside investors involved - there's nothing to invest in.

But yeah you can't really blame the back-end that is Hive, so much as the very concept itself: Crypto, Tokens, Blockchain...

So you either accept its just something most people aren't going to be interested in the second they hear any of those red flag keywords (blockchain etc) and make with it what you will... or, you move to the standard web2 and start a fight about abortion on X until you become viral enough to start peddling a book about becoming a millionaire overnight in 8 easy steps.

Or I suppose third option is you create a Hive-backed platform where Hive itself is so well-hidden that the red flags all get concealed and the tokens get auto-exchanged into USD or something.

existing on a blockchain is like living in a neighbourhood with a registered sex offender. They could be absolutely, 100%, honest to the highest powers reformed, Godly and castrated. Maybe even completley innocent to begin with.

The value of housing is still gonna plummet lol. There's just no easy way around that fact.

Well, the real question is why hasn't Hive the tech already caught the attention of teams of devs? Plenty have seen it, but it's obviously missing something because they strolled right on by. I'll be dramatic once again; if it doesn't find the missing pieces then Hive will only be a potential never realized. I believe that to already be the case. Instead, a new idea will blast by leaving Hive in the rear mirror still trying to realize that potential. Hence why I'm not investing in it... I'll go out on a limb say that the governance structure is a huge hindrance. The worst version of a democracy ever instituted.

Over the years, I've seen a LOT of glistening, shiny replicas of Hive come and go. They had a lot more financial support and backing, a more centralised leadership and more ambitious teams.

And yet, they no longer exist. In the real world, the vast majority of business ventures fail, the majority of those failing in 5 years or less. It's a survivorship bias to simply say, buck your ideas up and you'll succeed. That just isn't true.

Again, Hive isn't meant to be some business venture where investors come and expect a product they can peddle. It's meant to be a background function that people use. The one thing that Hive as a society has failed to do, is find the right people to do that.

The goal, I believe, is not to suddenly boom into existence, hit headlines, and have a bunch of silicon valley entrepreneurs pour billions into it. That's a whole other world. The goal here is to create a powerful, functional tool. It just happens to work as a blog cuz thats how it started out.

The more people who make games like Holozing and Splinterlands, website builders, or news platforms, or payment tools, or educational tools, etc, the more accessible and successful the hive back end will become. But even then, Hive should be at most a vague shadow beaneath those projects, like a programming language or something.

It's very possible it will never happen, as you suspect, but I'd rather stick around and find out, while in the meantime benefitting from a quaint little community which has allowed me to take a year off work with my earnings and buy a nice expensive laptop ^__^

Fair enough

As an aside, you've been whining on this platform for literally months... why are you even here lol, come on. Just go back to X or whatever and have a good time re-tweeting memes

I have my reasons and that's allw hich matters. It's been much longer than months

nor get any outside investors involved - there's nothing to invest in.

You're doing it wrong.

That link leads to a multi-billion dollar industry described in two short comments. That's what we're all sitting on.

Sure but I was talking in a traditional sense. your comments are hypotheticals. Hypothetically, this place could be huge and dominate the new world, but it doesn't, and won't. Which isn't even a bad thing imo.

It just doesn't work in the way normy people understand the economic way of the world, and perhaps I'm naive but history shows that just generating endless content isn't some foolproof path to success. Quite the contrary, the more hours put into it, the less per-hour income shared out decreases on average, since the averate content creator here earns about 0.3 cents per post

Something does need to happen far beyond what's currently being done to trigger any significant growth (if that's even desirable - not for me)

Would be difficult to take the traditional approach while blazing new trails. And of course generating an endless pile of content leads nowhere. And yes the content creators don't earn much. Like I said. Doing it wrong.

Yes, a normal person wouldn't understand how they're able to support their interests at no cost rather than throwing their money away, all while watching their support level grow over time. Consumers aren't accustomed to getting an actual deal.

They can learn.

Content creators here don't even realize the world and money outside exists. That's why they earn so little and then think the platform is broken, but they could learn, too.

Will anyone learn? I doubt it.

Here's what everyone's missing, and I'll use streamers as an example.

If a streamer doesn't receive any form of tip throughout their stream, they wouldn't conclude the platform is broken, and they wouldn't stop creating content. They would continue, streaming daily.

Eventually those tips start pouring in. Now they have a supportive following/return customers. All that work with low pay was worth it.

Now, if you add in our model here. Staking tokens and voting is the same as the tips they've grown accustomed to earning. However, those tips are sporadic and the revenue stream is all over the place. Up and down.

That consumer can stake tokens and vote. Now the streamers support is spread out and consistent, daily. Plus that consumer isn't actually spending money. All they've done is shifted money over from their bank account to their Hive wallet. They're no longer spending money to support a content creator but instead earning money to support a content creator.

Due to the fact this is a phenomenal deal, more people are encouraged to provide support naturally. Now the streamer has a following consisting of far more regular paying supporters. And if one decides they've had enough, they can leave, have their money back or go support someone else; streamer continues and hardly notices they're gone because five more showed up.

Traditionally, nobody can afford to support a content creator with cash tips, daily. Since content creators work daily, this method is far more future friendly.

Now, when you have thousands of creators attracting millions of supporters, you're going to have a really hard time keeping that token value at 40 cents. Demand causes consistent rise in value because all consumer money is locked into this ecosystem rather than coming in as cash tips then leaving as cash tips. Now the streamer is making even more money and they can actually cash out instead of being told to go around and leave comments under posts and engage with others to gain support, only to be viewed as a traitor if they actually cash out and pay themselves.

That's what everyone is missing out on by sticking to the way things are. And you don't need a boss to get that ball rolling. Just need a few people to be able to understand what I'm saying and doing it for themselves.

Consumers double as investors while actual investors see a business model worth investing in. All this is just sitting on the table and could start happening today if people wanted.

By keeping things the way they are and have been for a number of years, yeah, you're right, there's nothing to invest in. And oddly enough, everything I just brought up is only one small part of what Hive actually is. Get those consumers here and even those games see a boom. Interest spills over onto everything else. All this place needs to do is open the blinds and look outside.
