A year in glance...
2021 had been a wonderful year and we are not out of the pandemic yet. At the beginning of 2021, there was a lot of hope in recovery, financially as well as health-wise too. Meanwhile covid-19 had different plans, we got hit by a new variant and a wave of covid infections. We continue to sail through pandemic and no respite yet.
2021 is still very interesting year compared to 2020. 2020 was very gloomy, scary and surrounded by lot of uncertainties. Governments were clueless, on other hands scientist were busy looking out for a cure or vaccine. Almost whole world went into multiple lockdowns, confided to their homes. Corporates were fearful and no clarity in the path forward, resulting in job losses and cost-cutting measures. No social gathering or celebrations, festivities were dull. Despair due to loss of loved one.
A year of hope and fight..
As a new year 2021 began, people put behind their fear and started fighting back the virus. Governments are more equipped, flushed a lot of money into the system, clarity in handling of situation. Corporate results started to get green due to unlock activities. We now had more companies producing masks, sanitizers and all other covid-19 essentials.
Scientist came up with vaccine, many pharma companies started mass production of covid-19 vaccines. Governments started pushing the vaccine campaign and it picked up the pace. Large populations was covered with vaccine in different countries.
We have progressed a lot in 2021. Stock markets were hitting highs, crypto market was in a peak, govt infused a lot of money, corporates came up with great number due to cost-cutting and improved efficiencies. Rich become more richer. Start-ups witnessed sudden surge in interest. War for talent is still on-going. Never thought it would get so interesting at the beginning of the year.
Time to rejuvenate..
As the year comes to an end, I thought of sharing my thoughts and ideas as we wrap up the year, hence I'm writing down this blog. I will come up with more series of blogs. I'd also appreciate if you could let me know what you would love to read. I'm sure there are many amazing bloggers here. I'd still like to give my best and add value to others through my writings.
Its holiday season, so its time to step back relish, realize, rejuvenate, recharge to run forward into new year 2022.
Looking forward..
A new year and yet another new variant, Omicron! 2022 would be a wonderful year despite the pandemic and new variant. New medicines and researches will come up in combat of new variant. We shall witness surge in innovation, creativity, connected virtual world, mindset shift. I can't wait to see what 2022 holds for us. Kindly comment and share how & what do you feel about it.
Would we get more deadly and lethal variant in future? Well, we would need to wait and watch. Until then stay safe and healthy!
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