Like mad scientists, Khal & Team are doing everything they can to take make PolyCUB a successful DeFi application among the masses. One of the most famous crypto media publishing houses called Cointelegraph recently published a Press Release about PolyCUB as the next generation of DeFi-yield optimizers. Well, they are damn right because it is one of the most interesting DeFi 2.0 applications released this year. Anyone looking for long term sustainable yields can check out the value prop offered by PolyCUB:
- xPolyCUB Staking
- Protocol Owned Liquidity
- Bonding
- Collateralized xPolyCUB Loans
- Dynamic Earn Rate on Kingdoms Yield
Please note that PolyCUB is inspired by some of the best DeFi 2.0 ideas out there right now. LeoFinance has done extensive research before architecting the application for a smooth switch from DeFi 1.0 to long-term, high sustainable yields. We have the best product, the PR engine by the Leo Finance team is going on. As PolyCUB stakeholders, it is our duty to market the shit of this and that's why I launched a social media giveaway of 170 LEO two weeks ago. Had a great run and got so many amazing entries. This time we are doing a level up! Okay, 10 levels up. 🚀
PolyCUB SEO Writing Contest
We have a huge community of talented writers and it would be a shame to not leverage it to our advantage. 😂 Yesterday I had a small discussion with Khal on Twitter regarding SEO. He made an announcement about a Leo Finance articleThe Washington Post article. That's a huge fucking deal because it doesn't happen every day and Dane wrote the post 8 months ago. A backlink on one of the most popular media publishing houses in the world. It's powerful for's SEO. by @forexbrokr getting linked in
We can do something similar for PolyCUB. Using Leo Finance as our base we can provide backlinks to various PolyCUB PR articles.
SEO is the holy grail of Digital Marketing. Keeping that in mind, the major goal of this contest is to generate professional content & media for PolyCUB that would amplify the existing PR and articles done by Crypto Publishing outlets. All participants must optimize their content using SEO techniques before hitting that publish button. Study SEO if you have to but if you are a professional, you already know what to do. Do the keyword research on PolyCUB, DeFi & Polygon. Follow this simple yet the greatest SEO hack by @forexbrokr. Legend! 🙏

The minor goal of this contest is to make you learn about SEO and how to leverage it to attract search engine traffic. If you are looking for some more basic SEO tips then you must check out this amazing blog by @pitboy:
How To Enter
Before entering this contest, please re-read the "Goal" section if you haven't. Once you are done, please follow these steps:
- Reblog this post for maximum visibility.
- Draft a well-researched blog about PolyCUB for at least 600 words. It could anything - Guide, Tutorial, Review, Research Paper, News Article, Personal Experience, etc. Even indirect references to PolyCUB will do. Creativity is your only limit. Rest, there's no bar!
- Use any of these keywords (not limited to) in your blog or combine them to create searchable phrases: PolyCUB, DeFi, Polygon, Polygon DeFi, Highest Yields Polygon, Self-Sustainable DeFi, Best DeFi Platform 2022, DeFi Bonding, Collaterlized Lending, etc.
- Use your main keywords in the Title and Sub Titles. Supercharge it with other basic SEO techniques.
- Add backlinks to any of the PolyCUB PR by CoinTelegraph1,, BeInCrypto, CoinTelegraph2. There are other links but I would stick to any one of these four since they are more popular already.
- Also add a backlink to this amazing guide on PolyCUB by @mikedcrypto.
- Hit Publish. Post the link in the comments.
- Share on at least one social media website using relevant tags. Post the link in the comments.
Deadline: 10th April, 2022
Note: Please do not mention that you are taking a part in a contest. Treat it like a paid writing job you do for a client as a content creator. Your entry should target the audience that comes to Leo Finance via search engines. I hope you guys get the idea!
I will give 40 LEO each to the top 3 entries and 30 LEO to the 4th which comes out to be 150 LEO in total. I am looking for quality, not quantity. The rest of the folks can enjoy my penny upvotes and hopefully, other Leo Community members will support too. PolyCUB is a hot topic right now so it's a great chance for talented writers to get some visibility as an added bonus. Please note that WHALES are watching you! 😎 This is your golden moment! If we manage to get 5-10 well-written, SEO-powered posts through this contest, then that's a huge win in long term for everyone involved.
I will also reward people with LEO Upvotes if you tag someone below and they make a valid entry into the contest. Use your network and amplify this!
A huge huge shoutout to the one and only @onealfa.leo who decided to generously donate 5 LEO for each qualifying participant, and a +30 LEO extra prize to the #1 place winner.
Another huge huge shoutout to @starstrings01 for donating 10 HBD. Love you mate! 💖
Another huge huge shoutout to @d-company for generously donating 100 LEO for the contest.
I will announce how these rewards will be distributed depending on the number of entries. Keep your writing engines moving mates. Stakes are getting higher!
Last time we had a few sponsors 😘 and so many of you lovely people helped with upvotes and shared within your communities for more visibility. Expecting the same kind of support this time. I will try to upvote and encourage as many people as I can and I need your help. :) Please let me know in the comments if you'd like to sponsor via upvotes or in any other way you can think of and I will give you a HUGE shoutout with lots of love. ❤️🔥

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@starstrings01 and @eddiespino. I need your help once again lovely mates. 💖
You can invite your friends and share it in your communities. We have some juicy rewards for pro content creators and it will hopefully add lots of value to Leo Finance and Hive.
Please note, LEO whales are watching this. 👀👀
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just sent you 10 HBD that you can add up to the prizes as well. I would do well to promote this to other authors as well brother!
Wow, mate. You are a freaking legend. :* Thank you so much for this. Please let me know if your tribe needs and clarification or any help to crack this. We really need some great writers onboard. Also, it never hurts to try! If possible, you can try your own hand as well. 🚀🚀
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
BOOM + Reblog + Promoted
I will donate 5 LEO for each qualifying participant, and a +30 LEO extra prize to the #1 place winner.
And a special attention on your future posts, as a target to my 100% BOOM UP's
(from my *.leo, *.pob and *.vyb alt-accounts) This is one great initiative @finguru
GO n do it !
Wonder why you see this?
Read here and here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Damn!!!! Thanks a ton, @onealfa. A hugeeeeeeeeeeeee shoutout to you. 🚀🚀 You are the real MVP.
I am pretty sure this is going to motivate a lot of talented writers out there. SEO is a long-term play and the sooner we realize it the better. Hoping to see some amazing entries hopefully. ✌️
BTW my first and most precious BOOM of the year. Feels so great. Thanks once again.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'd encourage people to link to this PolyCub guide within their posts.
Just remember we want to encourage linking to our best, evergreen LeoFinance articles.
Not just external links.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great idea Dane! I should add this as a requirement so that everyone does it by default.
Thank you so much 🔥
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Totally agree.
It's our token/coin so it's our responsibility to promote it. :)
I'm not a good writer but I will try my best to come up with a nice article. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesome mate. Never hurts to try! 🔥 Looking forward to your entry.
Let's go!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
100 $LEO sent to you. Use it where you see fit.
LFG PolyCUB!!!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Woaahhh!!! Thank you so much @d-company. This would really help me in supporting some cool authors. I will announce how these rewards will be distributed depending on the entries.
It would be a shame if there's no entry. 😂 But I will slog my ass to reach all the great authors who exist on Hive. LFG 🚀
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No problem. I've benefited from the community and leofinance team a lot so it's very happy for me to find a way to give back something as appreciation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's great to know. I am trying to do the same.
#WAGMI :')
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great concept buddy. I will have to do more research about SEO And how to write with it, but for now I will like @onwugbenuvictor @attentionneeded @hironakamura @estherscott @ozohu @omosefe @atyourservice @joydukeson @snowflakesduke to come check this out if interested
I took a mini course on SEO writing one time, thanks for the tag would check it out
That's amazing @estherscott. Time to put your SEO knowledge into practice 🙈 I am pretty sure you're going to do great.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you so much @readthisplease. Learning SEO would help you immensely as a creators. Thanks a ton for tagging your friends.
I welcome all of you guys. Please do participate. We have lots of rewards to give to many participants. And I am sure the competition will be a lot lesser since it's a niche topic. Hence there's a great chance for everyone to win some cool tokens and lots of recognition.
I will personally make sure that each deserving entry will get the rewards they deserve. Will ask whales if I have to. Oh, they are already watching this. 🙈😂
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks Mate!!
Thanks for the tag
On it mate! Thanks for the tag.
Thanks for the tag... Checking it out
This is an awesome giveaway, I love it!
Btw, you do know that you are literally the SEO KING on LeoFinance, right?
Not that I've been looking into it much at all, but you're killing it with your articles. 9200+ page views from Google since January to today..
I know that you already linked to a great SEO guide, but I figured I could share my mini-series I wrote in the past as well:
Good luck to all participants and may the optimization be with you. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Haha. Awesome. I knew this would be an eye candy for you @hitmeasap.
🙈🙏 Thanks a ton for the kind words. It means a lot to see the hardwork paying off. Still learning the skill. 9200+ search views from my articles or you are talking about the overall numbers? Would love to see the latest report from your side and see where all of us are standing.
Thank you so much sharing the guides. I hope others upvote this comment for more visibility because these are going to immensely benefit the creators publishing on Leo Finance. Even me! Gold stuff man. 🙏
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Your articles have brought 9323 page views from Google in total over the last 90 days.
6454 page views on: How To Get Free MATIC For Polygon DeFi and 1826 page views on Terra USD (UST) Vs Tether (USDT).
The jump after that is down to 165 page views, 160, 140 and less than 100 page views on the rest of the articles that has brought traffic. 13% of the views are from the United States, which is tier 1 traffic. (The type of traffic that is worth the most in terms of Ad Revenue).
You can look at the stats here:
The latest report can be found here. The new one will be published on monday next week.
Keep up the great job! :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
King @finguru!
Those numbers are absolutely insane :)
Whenever we talk about Polygon DeFi or UST/USDT in future posts, we should be linking back to them.
This keeps telling Google that they remain relevant and therefore should maintain their high ranking.
Less links to other sites, more links to our own evergreen content!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hahaha, the god himself 🙏
100%. I will. 🔥 Need to compound these views as much as I can. These two posts are sitting at top for the past 3-4 months I guess. It's mind blowing to see the Power of SEO and search engine traffic. I am pretty sure other frontends on Hive are also fetching views from these articles.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hahaha. Dopamine :') It's pretty insane to know that I wrote them several months ago and they keep performing great month by month. Thanks a ton @hitmeasap.
I somehow lost that link and couldn't find it anywhere. Bookmarked! And I can always go back to your reports to find it. Keep them coming brother. 🔥
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Friend @finguru fix the deadline.
Lol, thanks mate. Saved my life! 💖 Fixed it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Wow! This is a great contest. I try my best to write meaningful articles about PolyCub
All the best mate. Looking forward to reading your entry!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@bengy, my mate. Go for it! It would be great to see your entry in this contest. Been a silent fan of your work and I know you have a great chance at cracking this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
According to this you mentioned:
xPolyCUB Staking
Protocol Owned Liquidity
Collateralized xPolyCUB Loans
Dynamic Earn Rate on Kingdoms Yield
All this things can help polycub to be sustainable and is going to attract alot of people in the community
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes mate! 🔥 100%.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I know I just told you in your other post, but I figured I could tell the same thing here as well, as this is the official post for the give away.
Another 30 LEO is added to the prizes, (in any way @finguru wants to give them away).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Number 2 Fing.
In the DeFi Beginning there was Liquidity Mining - So What is It and How Does It Work?
Cross posted to Medium:
All other posting requirements met.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you so much Kevin. This is amazing. You picked a great topic to plug PolyCUB. Loved the entry. 🔥🔥
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Submitting my entry sir:
Blog Post
Twitter Post
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is interesting. I'm happy to see after nearly 5 years of me pushing SEO onto people that didn't want it that times are changing. I'm a bit too lazy to enter but I might start posting some actionable SEO advice posts. I like where this is going.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Haha. Not a problem @cflclosers. Sometimes we all need a little pushing. It's easy to forget completely about SEO while drafting our content but honestly it is easier to make some basic changes in and make it more SEO friendly. A culture we need to instill on Leo Finance and Hive. Thank you so much for showing interest and doing your part. Looking forward to your tips. It will greatly help all the writers out there including myself. Cheers! :')
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congratulations @finguru! Your post has been a top performer on the Hive blockchain and you have been rewarded with the following badge:
You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!
Now that's a first. So cool.
Hoping it not to be the last. 😂
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ayy nice to see my guide as part of the contest, thanks for that!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't know how I missed it mate. It is one of the best guides on PolyCUB made till date and I am pretty sure it's going to rock the SEO Gods. 😁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@finguru Here is my entry
Polycub to the world!Shared on Twitter
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
!PIZZAThanks for starting this up :) LEO is doing pretty good for a niche interface. But it would be epic if we beat front ends like &
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes mate. That's going to be tough but not impossible. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Here we are again...

Never been double boomed before. 🔥🔥
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Wow, this is an awesome initiative. Wishing participants good luck in the contest.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cheers mate. Do participate if you can :))
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This one is great ,nice work for the teams
Cheers mate! Hopefully some cool folks join the party! 🔥
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hello @l337m45732! 🔥🔥
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Discord Server.This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our
Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.
Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.
Thanks a ton @bhattg. :')) Would love to see some Indians pitching in.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
@jerrythefarmer, ser 🔥🙈
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Count me in!
Let's check the stablecoin yields on Polygon Network. PolyCUB outperforms the others with 4 times higher APR rate 🔥
Thanks for the nice contest, time to spread our message 💎🐾
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's one hell of a post mate. You did a great job. I will try to give you some feedback to make it more SEO friendly and then we are good to go. All the best! Hope you win this mate. 🔥
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is fantastic and I loved the initiative, I did write one post and here is the link. I would be so happy if you visit this. Thanks.
Hey @finguru Post-
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey @reeta0119, unfortunately this post cannot be considered as a valid entry although it's a nice one. I am expecting people to write an article to showcase the value prop of PolyCUB directly or indirectly and supercharge it with SEO. I will be doing a detailed post to make everyone understand what I exactly want. Then you can re enter once again. Can make multiple entries so we are good. 🔥
All the very best. Please don't mind :))
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sure. Would like to go through the post and the criteria that you're looking for. Thanks
@tokenizedsociety, broooo don't miss this!!! 🚀🔥
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great initiative, brother!
I was away yesterday so I just saw this but I'll make sure to submit my entry!
Thanks for doing this and good job promoting LEoFinance, you're killing it
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Awesomeeeee bro. Thanks a ton! Looking forward to your entry. :') I know it's going to be EPIC.
Doing the best I can. 🙏
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
d-zero tipped finguru (x1) @tokenizedsociety tipped @finguru (x1)
Please vote for pizza.witness!
I am enjoying this a lot and learning at the same time.
All entry requirements met.
Number 3 - Why is Staking POLYCUB as xPOLYCUB Such a Damn Good Idea
Cross posted to Medium:
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Here is my entry @finguru:
Twitter share: Leofinance post:
Links to post on other frontends: Ecency: PeakD:
Holà, a wonderful contest. I present my first entry
Second Entry
Shared on Twitter
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really liked writing this post about the most important things about PolyCUB and DeFi, using the SEO and COPYWRITER techniques that I handle, telling things from the appreciation of someone who knows nothing about cryptocurrencies like me, in simple and easy language, to that anyone can understand. I hope you like my contribution to POLYCUB positioning in search engines. This is the link to my participation in the contest.
These are the links where you publish the post on social networks.
~~~ embed:1512553862527434756?s=20&t=KL8B-oW0Gxf9Gk8HUU6ujg twitter metadata:U3VzdXJyb01pc3RlcmlvfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1N1c3Vycm9NaXN0ZXJpby9zdGF0dXMvMTUxMjU1Mzg2MjUyNzQzNDc1Nnw= ~~~
~~~ embed:hivenetwork/comments/tzcvuj/discover_polycub_the_defi_that_can_change_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 reddit metadata:fGhpdmVuZXR3b3JrfGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJlZGRpdC5jb20vci9oaXZlbmV0d29yay9jb21tZW50cy90emN2dWovZGlzY292ZXJfcG9seWN1Yl90aGVfZGVmaV90aGF0X2Nhbl9jaGFuZ2VfeW91ci8/dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1zaGFyZSZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPXdlYjJ4JmNvbnRleHQ9M3w= ~~~
Today I woke up with a surprise that I would like to share with the community. I feel very happy and pleased to participate in this initiative promoted for LeoFinace and position keywords with SEO work for PolyCub. At least for now, the post I made with PeakD to target the keywords, Discover, PolyCub and DeFi is in the second place of organic positioning in google. Thank you all for this great initiative and your support.

Cheez this almost skipped my mind.
Here we go. My humble attempt
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta