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RE: It's a (rich) man's world

in LeoFinance4 years ago

It is now quite apparent to me that this is definitely a rich persons game. You literally have to be investing thousands of dollars into the farms to be pulling in the kind of CUB that you hear people talking about.

So true @bozz. Especially someone who has put that much money on the Day 1 and have been farming since. People like me take so much time to arrange a little sum, until then, half of the lead is lost.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am with you on that! Just once I'd like to be able to plop a huge bag down and reap the benefits. It just takes that one big win to fund some of the other big wins and before you know it you are a whale. At least in theory. I am still chasing that first big win!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You will get it @bozz. Keep stacking. 😁😁😁 Just one big project, one big win.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope we both do!

Yes Definitely.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta