DeFi breaks the entry barrier for common man to get into the world of Finance & Investment. Remove the middleman (Banks, Big Corporates & Government) and increase the APR for investors.
DeFi is mimicking the financial system we have now.
With the evolution of Blockchain Tech, more innovative and impossible things can be done in the near future. Even I am really excited what the Young Blood (2nd & 3rd Generations) would do with something powerful like this. Possibilities are endless @taskmaster4450. Great outlook on the future of Finance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
By the second and third generation, there will be features that we cannot even imagine at this time.
It is going to be amazing to see what is developed over the next couple years.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Haha, True. Looks like I went too ahead in thinking of the future. Even the near future would surprise us. Let's hope for the best 🙏
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta