It was joke based upon what I felt after observing how downvotes are used by various different people for their own reasons.
'Downvote' is a negative word and it is used negatively by many people when their egos are hurt. Downvote wars are detrimental to the system and it pushes good people away. All the parties involved and sometimes not involved, lose. I am yet to see a peaceful resolution of any of them. That's why it's not a perfect system.
At the same time, it is the best system to stop the abusers from abusing the platform and adjust rewards from over-rewarded crap. That's more important so 'downvotes' must be welcomed by all. If someone with a large stake is downvoting out of revenge, they are only killing their own investment in the long term if they continue doing it. If someone is downvoting to stop abuse or to adjust rewards, they are doing a charity to everyone on the network including themselves.
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