Thank you very much for an informative share.
I have not been on Hive very long. However, I am wise enough to see that Hive blockchain platform has flaws just like all social platforms. The common denominator in the flaws are human emotions. Or, management of emotions and egos. Hard enough to manage our own imperfections let alone trying to build technology to control emotional responses from people with much authority, power, influence, etc.
In the short time that I have been testing the Hive platform as a viable path from a web2 to web3 biz I have found several areas that is not very conducive to growth for someone getting started. Sure there is lots of people telling you how well they are doing on Hive. Heck, everyday I see content about someone sharing how well they are doing. Is that quality content? How do people define quality content? What is the WHY? of Hive? What is the vision statement for the Hive community and how well is it communicated. I understand that technology moves quickly but that is not new. Same as defining processes supported by a set of standards and various bodies of knowledge. Not new. We have a rewards system that is intended to be fair to everyone but clearly there is abuse. There is always abuse when some players in the games have too much influence on the outcome of the game. Most people are not very well trained in managing lots of power. And some people are dishonest and take advantage of weakness in a system. People issues. I share one of my favorite Venn diagram and methodology to solving problems. After reading this post and all the replies so far, it looks clear to me the issue is a people issue. The expectation of people in the system is not clear or well defined. Some people have earned great influence, so much so that when they pool their efforts they can greatly control outcomes that have nothing to do with the overall wellness of our community.
In the diagram I have marked the sweet spot that shows the three circle of impact in balance. I believe the people impact is in transition. Sometimes it aligns with process and technology impacts and sometimes it is overly influenced away from the overall purpose of the system. ie The Vision. The Why of the community. People disagree about the why because it is not well defined? When this happens some people respond against the system or against other players within the system. An emotional response. Noise that needs filtering or just negative energy that needs to be converted and not promoted.
Now what could be a solution or an improvement to an existing system to help protect everyone in the system from abuse by people with too much power?
I don't think another person with lots of power is the answer. Pooling resources in a way to make a bigger gun is not a solution. The system already shows signs of abuse from pooling of resources.
The downvote to me looks like a big gun. Why do you have to downvote anything. We can respond with better content if we don't like the content. Or you can ignore it. We should not overlook the power of avoidance. I prefer speaking out and making a statement and not sitting on the sideline. Take on the bullies. However, sometimes the bullying is a childish behaviour that the adult has not outgrown. Maybe there is a mental capacity concern. Or sometimes it is part of making mistakes so you can learn a lesson. Who knows? We are imperfect beings capable of making an emotional decision in a millisecond and then spend hours, days and a lifetime trying to use logic to justify an emotional response.
A bigger gun does not solve a problem it creates a bigger problem.
What if you got rid of the downvote?
Would that not help avoid the escalation of attacks and address the negative impact and fallout onto our community?
Way better, but @elmerlin is probably the best person to talk to on this. He's super smart and has the ability to see the whole picture.