Who am I? An Introduction #introduceyourself

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Hello LeoFinance world!

Thank you for taking some time to read a breif introduction into me, a brand new member of this wonderful community.

My online name is Flarnrules. I don't want to give too many personal details, at least yet, but suffice to say, my real name is similar but different from Flarnjamin Streifenlerg.

I currently live in sunny, warm Chicago, Illinois. Just kidding. I live in frigid, grey, bleak Chicago, Illinois. Get back to me this summer.

I am a practicing accountant. I also dabble in art (drawing and painting mostly), skateboarding, film-making, cooking, and crypto-trading.

A conversation with me could be considered access to an ocean of knowledge that is 1-inch deep. I like to talk about and learn just about anything, but my mind wanders a lot. It's challenging for me to stick to the same thing for a long period of time. It's been my nature ever since I've been aware of myself.

Perhaps through my blogging I can change this, and instead of bouncing back and forth from 1 thing to the next, I work all of those things in parallel, and interweave these threads into a beautiful tapestry that is my life. Maybe that's the goal here?

I like to learn about and discuss investments, politics, literature, video games, sports (some sports more than others, but sports in general are pretty neat), running, digital art, animation, accounting. As I said above, my interests are fairly broad.

Thank you for reading!

flarn chain  f.png

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Welcome on Leofinamce!
Your interests match fine with the different tribes here!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hey neighbor
another chicagolander here
after this weekend we can certainly say frigid and snowy
getting tired of shoveling, hope it is kinder to you.

Look forward to seeing your artwork.

Neverending shoveling. This is the most snow I have seen since 2011... what a winter, especially compared to last winter being so mild. Thanks for your comment. I read in another comment that I should post any non-crypto non finance based content on Hive, so I need to set up a Hive account.

That said, all of these little MS paint drawings of crypto currency people (I'm calling them Mistercryptos for now) are my own original art work. I'm interested in creating a whole series of NFT Mistercryptos that can be passed around, sort of like emojis. I'll be making a post about it some time soon on LeoFinance, but maybe it makes more sense to post on Hive?

Anyways, thanks for the reply and if you read this to the end, I made this drawing for you.
all snowed in.png

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome. You came to the right place. Crypto and financial stuff post on leofinance, all the rest on hive. Start slowly and learn on the way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ok great, that really helps! I'll set up a Hive account to post on non crypto/financial topics. Real quick since you seem to be in the mood to help out... I think I posted with the correct hashtag for the "write your introduction post" tour item on HiveBuzz, but my that task has not been registered as completed. Any thoughts on what I did wrong?

Here's the task descripion:
write introduction post.PNG

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Welcome flarnrules!
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