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RE: AskLeo: What Does Your Crypto Portfolio Allocation Look Like?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Wait, you are earning 27% APY pooling BTC (against what?) on Curve? That is a lot. Any idea when that BTC-RUNE pool is coming? It feels like forever. Right now I am rather looking at selling some of my RUNE after all the massive gains recently.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yep that's on Curve and the APY is nice on a lot of the pools right now. I'm getting over 70% in the USDn pool.

BTC-RUNE should be coming within Q1 or Q2 of this year. They are a bit behind schedule but it's all in testnet at the moment.

When that launches, my rough plan is to swap half of my RUNE into BTC and pool the lot. We'll see when the time comes, but I imagine RUNE will be $6+ at that point and time for me to take a little profit

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta