
You know after the cashless saga, many people vowed not to patronize banks again due to the ugly experiences they had. Going to some banks these days if you have a transaction issue is tiringand ffrustrating

I just avoid all that stress. Even all through the period of cash crunch, I never attempted stepping into any banking hall. The whole image there is scary. Makes no sense at all. #banking

Banking sector most especially those in Nigeria is real bad they should do well to look into the problems affecting there profession

Yes, they need to up their game. The complains about a lot of terrible services they offer is never ending. They really need to do something about them

Nawa ooh 😳

Yes. We are loosing faith in the banking sector and its time they wake up from their slumber.

No wonder most people had no bank acct before the cashless policy

Yes. The frustration could lead to someone abandoning the banks. I have closed my account in one of the banks.

Hahaha it's funny and annoying

Modern banks today disappoints us, the last time my bank debited me with out paying, I spent so much time returning and revisiting the bank just to retrieve the money, I later received the money after I gave up on it like Three months after

3 months? At least am happy you later got it. One banks refused to treat my own issue more than 1 year now. I already stopped banking with them because they are not serious.

Your own is better than mine. Am not banking with one now. I vex say may the bank dey. Make me I dey kwa

I really felt bad at my experience at our bank. To enter the banking hall was hectic since there is huge number of customer. Sat on floor to wait for my turn and tellers talks anyhow to me. At the end, my aim was not attended.

Poor network and slow but steady transaction fees gives me stress. Our banking sector is down on the ground. My experience with them is even worse than yours.