Farming is as old as civilization. There are many crops we grow as food and for money. The methods of farming differ from place to place based on the type of technology available. @iamchimary shows off her farm.
#hivegarden #threads247
Farming is as old as civilization. There are many crops we grow as food and for money. The methods of farming differ from place to place based on the type of technology available. @iamchimary shows off her farm.
#hivegarden #threads247
The author shows us a lot in her farm like pawpaw, African walnut, soursop, corn, and other fruits. What is your favorite fruits? #gosh #hivegarden
The farming method in my area is done manually because that's why most of the produce is not for money. This type of fam demands a lot of hard work to come out this way isn't it?
Yes manual fatming methods require a lot of hardwork and of course, the output would not be so large to comercialize it. You are doing a great work with all the fruits and crops here.
Only the palm is commercialized, others aren't enough to.
Oh thats great. Do you process palm oil?
Only the palm is commercialized, others aren't enough to.
with growth, I've come to realize that agriculture/farming is really rewarding. Eating food or fruit from farm gives a diff. Level of joy and nutrients
One great thing i love about farming is that you are enjoying fresh organic food. I know that pre-processed and canned foods are not the best for health right?
Right, nothing beats organic tingz!
Amongst all the fruits I like I Neva miss taking banana in a
I know na because you love sweet things.
Wow! this is great but my best fruit is pawpaw.
I dont know why i do not like pawpaw.
agriculture still the means of our food and stay healthy. So we should learn and practice it too
What are your favorite fruits. Do you have a farm at home?
I love fruits of all kind. Have never rejected any. Yes, I
Actually i love pawpaw but I love banana the most.
Many people love banana. Maybe because of the sweet taste. But then, its loaded with needed vitamins and minerals.
I Love cucumber Soo much, my mom does cucumber farm and during it's season I eat a whole lot of cucumber
Waooo. I really love cucumber too. I buy it regularly and even yesterday.
Its very healthy, but do you know it has different species?
I have not really paid attention to it like that. But there should be.
Just try and pay a little attention you will see that it does have
Pawpaw is a very beautiful fruit. I can actually finish a very big size. It's health nutrients are amazing. It tests great tol
I like pawpaw mainly because of it vitamins I also like pineapple and orange
This is a hard one, because I don't have favorite fruit. I love all fruits. Yet to fout m favorite.
I like all fruits I don't think I have anny favorite among them again. . I consume anyone that comes my Way ooh
I don't have a favorite feufruit. I enjoy any fruit that tastes good. Fruits like pawpaw, orange, banana and etc.
Over here subsistent agriculture is what we do because I really do think this is mechanized farming, I mean to have a farm as huge as this, manual labor is required.
Smiles.....farming can never be old because it is and has been our part of life, please don't miss quote me
And how can farming differ by technology instead of patterns and soil types.
I love farming but no land for it yet