I even forgot that I have a 17k LP. Now I want to give out more votes too to this black army that has been beating the life out of other armies. Thread more #blacklions and expect my little votes
I even forgot that I have a 17k LP. Now I want to give out more votes too to this black army that has been beating the life out of other armies. Thread more #blacklions and expect my little votes
Awesome from you, that good, just keep helping others grow too, we keep moving forward together
#blacklions will always be there to help others get to their level. Personally, I am out to assist all the blacklions to continue growing and reach their goal
Go give them love! Every lil $LEO is very much appreciated when LPUD is just 5 days away 😉
Thats true. I am giving out the votes right now. We grow as a team. Keep on doing your best everyone, especially the ever hardworking #blacklions
Let's do it. We have to win the battle.