Some people in the neighborhood find it hard to be decent with trash. They seem not to care, throwing trash around the environment and expecting others to clean it as @go-kyo just found it. Read here story in the next thread.
Some people in the neighborhood find it hard to be decent with trash. They seem not to care, throwing trash around the environment and expecting others to clean it as @go-kyo just found it. Read here story in the next thread.
She writes her experience about people littering the apartment with trash. Read it and do tell me if your neighbors clean the environment or are careless. #gosh
The one that got me so angry is when people will throw trash into the drainage or throw it out when heavy rain is falling, I don't know why the don't have conscience.
If you live in my city, you will probably fight everyday because there are too many people doing just that. When its raining, they bring out all the garbage and pour them on the roads.
I just hate everything about littering and I am lucky to have careful neighbors. Everyone of us always endevour to keep our compound clean, because we know clean environment is good for the health.
You mean careful neighbors? Thats good. A neat environment is always attractive and great for our health. People in this city Aba need a lot of orientation.
Yeah, "careful neighbors"
I can't stay in a dirty environment even for a sec.
Hahhaha I hope you know how aba citizens keep there environment clean. Buh I do well to contribute to the neatness of my environment
Yes it begins with each of us. We need to make sure that our immediate environment is clean. If we take personal responsibility and every does like that, the whole city will be neat.
Yea that is true but over here In aba it's hard to control people
Thank you for sharing my post. I am glad to hear everybody's opinion in your thread.
Sure. I hope others will see it and share their experience here. Its great you spoke out.
It is unfair but that is what we see around us. People who don't care about how others will feel. People who are not willing to keep their environment clean
Most of my neighbors are careless when I come to keeping their environment clean sometimes I do it myself
Some people just can't seem to clean their own trash which is saddening and can be annoying too.
Especially when you seem to be the only one that care. Its really makes one
Haha yes. Can't be avoided when they do it often without regard to others.
So sad. Sometimes, if a child has a broken home, they grow up into adults that are not responsible. Childhood situation and home training matters.
May the measure set aside to prevent littering aren't intense enough because i wonder why people would be actively trying to damage their environments.
I think its all about the mindset. Otherwise should a right thinking person do simple basic things right because they fear punishment
Could be that these people are not aware of the dangers that littering brings. or maybe they underestimate the danger.