Here is a #photostory capturing the #sunrise today as I got to work. Time for this first photo was 6.5 am. I captured 7 images in total. #threadstorm
Here is a #photostory capturing the #sunrise today as I got to work. Time for this first photo was 6.5 am. I captured 7 images in total. #threadstorm
whoa, looks somehow 🤔
I don’t know the word to give it.
But nice shot ser.
Hahahaha. Find the word. It could be ugly but thats alright. Maybe you could take a look at the 7th thread. It got cooler there
I got another shot of the sky and sun 20 minutes later. We have had rains for many days now. So the sun was not fast coming out.

This shot was taken by 7.45am. The sun was already breaking out of the sky. It took a while, but it became stronger as you will see in the next thread.
You can now see the full son. Its very bright now. The time was 8.20am. It promises to be a really warm morning after much rain.

I decided to capture the traffic below so you could appreciate the sun as it shines strong and the sky really looking bright.
I went to the stairs to see the suns rays through the block openings on the wall. How strong the rays!!!
Jehovah's creation are powerful, just look the rays of the sun, you can't look directly on those rays.
They are marvelous. I couldnt look at them directly that was why i moved to the side to capture it.
thats wisdom and power on the side of our creator.
I actually captured more shots and decided to share in this post. #gosh @forexbrokr
Your camera did well unlike my