
I agree. Threads are a different way of engaging and the character limit makes things easier to interact with. It's also fun

Yes, the shorter the better. Threads has been a great revolution. I am fortunate to be part of it.

  • Engagement redefined: Threads has given me a new orientation in engagement. I now have more quality comments than I use to. I now value responding quickly to threads and I continue to improve my engagement skills.
  • Conversational skills: My conversational skills have been greatly enhanced, big thanks to threads. I can now hold a great conversation and keep it going for as long as I wish. This is possible because of how we do it on threads


  • Bigger audience: I now have more followers than when I did not do threads. Threads is a great way to grow your audience. The more we interact and converse, the more we get closer and become the audience each other needs.


And most importantly U will get a real-time response, which means U r tightly coupled with d active user base in leothreads. Such a thing is almost absent in Blog posts. U mightn't get an instant reply when u make a post vis-a-vis threads.

So thats a big vibrant and active audience. Leo threads has made blogging much easier. Building an audience in web2 blogs is not an easy

Definitely, it has lowered the barrier to entry.

  • Fun: Threads is fun. We enjoy chatting about things that matter to us in life. I love football and I have found a lot of friends that have the same passion. So when its time for weekend, I look forward to the fun with friends.


You are so right about the fun part,I love it

Yes. Threads is fun and thats one reason we keep coming back

Definitely, it cab only get better, for now, we keep moving

Yes we keep pushing and doing our best as updates

I have benefited alot too from this project, sincerely I'm happy about how everything is turning out.

Its getting better by the day. Thread to the

Yes it is

That's some cool benefits. For me, I think getting to connect with people I don't follow is another good thing. I think it removes the barrier of followership to some certain level. So it's like getting to know people beyond your interest

Me too. It has trained us to develop better communication skills. Beyond the prize, this campaign is a game-changer for all.