Have you ever made a serious mistake after ignoring warnings?
I think yes, that was in my school days. I was playing too much even after being warned by teachers and my parents. As a result, I lost money many times because I was playing too much. I got beaten too.
Yes many a times....and it's quite natual I think in our childhood days.
The irony is that the childhood psychology has a greater propensity to commit such mistakes.
Yes. Which is why parents need to be careful to protect kids so they do not sustain life-changing damages.
Very important.
If we would listen to every warning in life we wouldn't live at all, but, yeah, there are times when we would have to listen to them for self preservation.
Yes. Warnings are meant to protect us. But ignorantly not paying attention to warnings could be damaging
School days was full of mistakes made for ignoring warning..those days, I will ignore mummy warning to go to bed early so as to wake early.By the time got to school late, strokes of Ken will be waiting for me at the school gate, 😭😭