Bring on the new interface. If I’m honest, it’s been such a slog using the current one when you know what PeakD can do.
What I’m really interested in, are the potential additions you’re making to improve SEO. All of the meta tags that you can add to posts and images through PeakD really help, so I’m looking forward to that.
One question I do have, is can anything be done to the URLs as we go forward? Are we stuck with /hive-12345 at the beginning of created URLs from LeoFinance? This is a bit of an issue as for example on my posts, it would be much more beneficial to have /forex at the beginning.
Finally, you talk about a potential email newsletter. Do you have a current email list of all users anywhere like Steemit had when we first signed up? Or this would be starting from scratch as of now?
Posted Using LeoFinance