
gosh and it's part of the leocuration efforts to share it I believe

Ah yes, I forgot about gosh.

Would loveeeeeee to see the team stop encouraging people tagging gosh, outreach and threadstorm (especially when they're just a thread, then a link).

Gotta encourage topic specific tags.

I think that's going to mainly start with two things

  1. Communities get involved more with threads
  2. Revenue starts to be generated and rewarded for using threads. Be it ad share or votes. The no votes is what discourages a lot

Yep, gotta financially incentivise the type of behaviour we want to see.

And like it or not, the only whales that matter in Leo are leo.voter and alfa.

Do you think they incentivise the right behaviour good for our LEO investment?

I hope they do but if they aren’t living up to it (at least the Leo-related accounts) we should constantly talk about ways to improve them

The #feedback tag isn’t only for bug reporting. I monitor it daily for any feedback, like this

Great discussion here guys

We really do need to work on incentivization

We started the curation 2.0 initiative which focuses on engagement scores - BTCflood mentioned - next is the on-site leaderboard which is super gamified

but to be honest there just seems to be a very low number of active people and the content is mostly a big snooze lol