I'm almost thinking if half put a lower value it slowly goes down. If some vote 15% another 10% and some others 20% it would pick somewhere in between all of that from what I remember? I could be totally wrong though.
I believe 11 witnesses have to have the same value set to reach consensus and it becomes the law. I'm not sure what happens if that threshold isn't reached by any specific value.
I'm almost thinking if half put a lower value it slowly goes down. If some vote 15% another 10% and some others 20% it would pick somewhere in between all of that from what I remember? I could be totally wrong though.
I have these expectations of witnesses being political entities.
But I really don't really have any idea how $HIVE #governance works or what is possible haha.
half? no idea really
Lets learn $HIVE together!
plz teach me to Hive ser
I believe 11 witnesses have to have the same value set to reach consensus and it becomes the law. I'm not sure what happens if that threshold isn't reached by any specific value.
So 11 of the top 20 need to agree?
Ahk, get politixing.
There are currently 12 with the APR set at 20%, but the rest are all over the place