
We need more dog pics on threads

People have used the completely useless threads tag, 1238 times.

Yet I'm the only one using the best tag on earth in #dogs.

What is going on Threaders?!

While I agree that #dogs Is a better tag

The superior tag is really #showerthreads

Okay, I'll agree for text content.

But not for pics haha 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️.

Oh yeah I have to agree there

We don't need threads flooded with shower pics 😂

Here's one for you.

Would you rather see showerpics or more endless fucking nolosslottery spam in the feed?

A real moral dilemma haha.

Holy shit that's a tough one

But damn the spam is real

Good boy #gary :D

I gave him a pat for you.

Pass on our regards to Greg! ;)