
cute af. GM!

GM GM 💚😵.

Gary!!! 😍 Poor fellow. Hope he heels up quick.

I'll look after him :)

do you put iodine on his cuts, they are buggers for having a sneaky lick!

Hmm no iodine.

I just keep an eye on him during the day and he wears a little sock at night.

He hates it more than the cut haha,

oh gosh the little socks, yea I remember using them hehe dogs don't being embarassed, and wearing those socks are embarrassing haha

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He's actually got a little cut on the bottom of his paw causing him to limp around a bit.

So no trips to the park today and lots of me yelling "no licking!" while it heals haha.

Awww, hope it heals real soon. Don't yell too loud, he'd feel bad, lol!

Haha, I do feel bad.

But it's for his own good <3

Hehe, I know :) Sometimes we just have to.