Omg! This happened to one of my best friends! At a dog park… we are all standing around. Rando dog runs up to friend and pisses all over his leg. It is probably one of the best things I have ever seen. 😂🤣😂
I think you have to make eye contact then unzip and do you business on him, never breaking that eye contact. It's the only way to maintain human dominance. Good luck :)
Omg! This happened to one of my best friends! At a dog park… we are all standing around. Rando dog runs up to friend and pisses all over his leg. It is probably one of the best things I have ever seen. 😂🤣😂
Hilarious... when it happens to literally anyone but me haha!!
Something like that happened to me too, a kid peed on my leg 😅
Hahaha oh that's disgusting!!
Lol it was
No fluffing way!
Lol it was both shocking and funny when it happened
Well now you will laugh, but then I would be wtf!
Lol yeah, you're right... He was too little for me to stay annoyed haha
holy fuck dude. what a goofy thing! where was the owner?!
I was standing there talking to him. I didn't even notice the dog was pissing on me until he stopped him! ðŸ˜
Fml haha.
that makes it even funnier.... hahaha
reminds me of a sketch from WKUK.
RIP Trevor Moore
Yep, that's pretty much how my convo went with Onix the doggo...
excuse me good sir, but you seem to be peeing upon my person
haha sorry to hear that, and it made me lol!
My old female Alaskan Malamute would always try to hump my male friends, and pin them to the wall, but I have never seen a dog pee on someone!
How is Gaz!
Oh well I'm glad someone is getting a laugh out of my misfortune ;)
Gaz is good.
He would never!
I'm sure you deserved it
Do I have to now sneak up on the dog and piss on him to reassert my dominance?
I think you have to make eye contact then unzip and do you business on him, never breaking that eye contact. It's the only way to maintain human dominance. Good luck :)
He bit me :(
Was it your dog?
No, Gary is a good boy!! ;)
I'm sorry to tell you, but now you belong to this dog that peed on you.
How do I get my dominance back?
Do I need to sneak up on him and pee on him next time I see him in the park? ;)
Exactly that! Drink plenty of water and make sure you have your ammunition!
Welp better a dog peeing on your leg than a baby peeing on your face lolol
Haha is this something you've experienced?
I'm not quite at this life stage yet ;)
My kid "baptized" me on his first night in this world lolol hopefully a good luck sign 🤣
Haha definitely good luck for you both!
And worst case scenario, it's something to bring up at his 21st birthday to embarrass him in front of his friends as payback.
Playing the long game ;)
That's not a bad idea at all!
I also think that I have enough embarrassing videos and photos for the rest of his birthdays lolol
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