
I have about 50 now. I'm wondering about the algorithm behind the daily dust. Sometimes, I get around 8, other times, 1.

Its random... so its a lucky draw... I am looking for gems! 😎

That makes the 2 of us then. Good luck to us.

Always looking to empower people! 🤜 🤛 💪 Best hobby ever!

I only have 72.

Keep pushing! Never fail a day!

I just checked and I've got 57 DUST!

Keep claiming!

I saw a post about DUST but didn't read it. What is DUST?

HOLO DUST specifically not a HE token (yet at least)... just something being acquired/claimed by its users.

The best place to read about it might be this post:

Thank you!

74 DUST at this moment!