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RE: Let's do a Giveaway based on Performance

in LeoFinance2 years ago

😂 !WINE 🍷🍷🤓

You just recalled me. There is no such game yet on the HIVE ecosystem that would make people learn about those things. I would say, that is an opportunity for whom would like to explore this arena. There is a lot of posts and people around already that would love to dive on such things.

Its good to reflect on things... even if they are not under your daily "area of interest". And jumping outside of your comfort zone, a VERY (for me the best one) good way to learn.

Cheers w/ !PGM of course.


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Hehehe. Thanks for all the token !LUV !!
And YES! Also a BIG fan of stretching to do things outside my comfort zone. When I'm feeling brave and energetic that is !LOL

Sundays are always a little sad
but the day before is a sadder day.

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