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RE: Are Hive Rewards Taxable Events?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Why you all want that all must be taxed ??? I just not get it. All these taxes must also have a selection option that allows you to deny all this, if there is not this, then it means that your government acts by extortion, which is very...very abusive behavior. No one has the right to demand money, and to demand it... is humanly speaking, criminal .


lol. I am yet to see a person who says they pay taxes because they want to. There are problems with taxes yes, but ignoring them is not always an option. :)

So you say that there in world is someone who want very bay taxes .... and now that this one wants to do this, I must give all what I have so this one users some where in this fuck up world want pay very tax :)))...If you are this one :)) and want to pay taxes, please take a regular job.. NOT COME IN COIN WORLD.. and make a contract with the state, so that it can tax all your income and regular job , there is no need to climb into every system and push one person's tax on everything and destroy the free economy ... what wants to help as all have something. " Communism is a philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state. "... are those who try to tax everything even to existence on the planet. Who has the understanding that they own everything you have, and they use taxes to achieve it.


And you ALL wait a minute... and think about what your government has done for cryptos?? Did they be active in developing stuff? Which was their contribute to crypto?????....... How are you saying? ..... ahhhh!!! NOTHING!!!

Agree on all account but, IMO, here isn't the question of "Why all must be taxed?", instead, "When?". Agree about "abusive behavior", but, can we do anything to counter measure this abusive behavior of most of the governments around the world. With rising popularity of cryptocurrencies and decentralization among common people and general population, governments, sooner or later, will derive (or invent 🙂) the ways to tax them.

Universe gave you this head... and now it is your responsibility to use your own head , NOT to let it be used, you have the right to decide for yourself what you pay and how or to say NO. I understand that some taxes will be needed, but to tax a system that is under development and that is 40 years ahead of the practice of banking systems and many laws, there is no alternative but to take back the free economy and let it move on its own. Every tax what they do in this coin world that is done then it is done in order to damage and cripple this entire system.... what helps old banks to get all in there hands and we are back in same SHIT HOLE

Universe gave you this head...

Love this statement.

and now it is your responsibility to use your own head , NOT to let it be used, you have the right to decide for yourself what you pay and how or to say NO.

Love this statement too and I say a big "NO", but wouldn't that be after taxation is applied, sooner or later,... which is going to happen whether we like it or not.


As I said earlier, I agree with you about your thoughts in this comment, as well.

Euhm, so who is paying for the roads you use? the schools you send your kids to? the parks you chill at? the removal of the garbage you create?

Take Coffee sit and think what you ask and want, and look this video same time :)) MORE ROADS :)) FUNNY MAN ... this is the most lame excuse in politics :)) and up to this point I see 1000% that schools are not working as they should, so I'm not interested in them.

I know all of that, and I know the systems we live with (and in) are not perfect. Some are less perfect than others. Some (to more) are the opposite of perfect.

You say: No taxes. I say: Who will pay for the things that are there for the community. That's all. The reality is that we always need some form of tax, whether that be whatever we have at the moment, or some community taxes or whatnot since we always need infrastructure and community services that will cost money and are there for the community, how small or large the community is (defined).

BTW, I didn't say ANYTHING about more roads :) Was mentioning roads since these are paid by tax money. No tax money, no roads, more or less. You know, I've seen the roads in the USA... They can be quite dangerous, to be honest; Potholes so deep, one can easily find oneself in the hospital when not watching carefully when walking or cycling around. I suppose too little tax money or tax money spend wrongly, or... I don't know the reason, to be honest. No such 'bad' roads in my country (the Netherlands: NL). In general, we pay more taxes in NL to peeps in the USA. This also shows the differences in the quality of infrastructure and community services we enjoy in my tiny country of the lowest lands around the globe :) But but but all this is beside the point I try to make :) Note that my view of the world is not black/white. Hence also my view towards whatever form of tax is not black/white. I do believe we can improve a whole LOT in our world and we shall improve. This can start with redefining what society is, and how we determine a society. Maybe we shall remove country borders. Maybe we shall go back to small communities in form of city-states. Maybe we shall remove all central entities and create whatever. But also that is beside the point I try to make :) I believe the point I try to make is that we need to find solutions to problems rather than making bold statements that drive the formation of camps that 'fight' each other. The latter will never ever result in solutions.