on the bright side, this is a great way to get a LEO party started where people get to find out a bit more about the community. Sometimes more than they wanted. But on the Dark side... GANK here simply has hijacked free will... by suggesting something SOO stoopid and then having people add credibility to his Stoopid by thinking they have to respond to IT... HIM... whatever the fack it is... funkin lives in L.A. from what I can see so maybe it should be harassed simply because I hate L.A?
Look... The GANK here is providing a useful service to TAG and Harass a bunch of folk who would probably like to see something conclusive out of this JackAssery... For me, I'm happy to come on a phone call assisted Discord AMA to provide the good folk of the LEO community any confirmations they may require.
Since I wrote THE Cryptographic Novel on STEEM several years back, and since your @cryptographic account is YOU, maybe we could clear up parts of this confusion for the most cognitively challenged... like GANK and others?
For the record I own several accounts on this chain... several.
I own two, the other is totally dormant.
I don't need more than one. I've always come right out and said it: I upvote my own work because I think it deserves it! I don't hide behind anything, and much less nonsensical rationalizations. I upvote who I damned well please with 100% upvotes on posts, and 50% on comments (usually) even though it makes no financial sense at all since the rewards curve punishes voting comments and encourages 'piling on' the heavier upvoted posts (which flies in the face of common sense in a social media where people just want to 'engage' in the comments with friends i.e., like thinkers). It's that simple, just having a bit of fun and spreading the wealth among friends (is anyone really serious when they talk about going out and curating "quality content" when they're really voting on recipes and sunsets?). What's with these people who have such a complex that they think they shouldn't self-vote?
Lots of 'issues' here on HIVE, and too many depend on undependable people, IMO, who've got the world upside down, again, IMO. And when that lack of intelligence comes with a total lack of decency and social justice, you find that you don't even have a base to work with.
Your description is accurate, but so predictable that it's boring - a total waste of time. The world has been reduced to memes. Funny, to think about it, it's about the only thing I'm posting right now. 😜
And I could give a rat's ass who has what accounts or how many they have or what they are doing with them.
It takes all types to make the world go round, but the 'leaders' here have yet to discover that terribly frightening reality. 😬
And they won't ever change. The die is cast. The HIVE and it's extremities you see today is the HIVE you'll see in 5 years, if it's still around . . .
But don't let me rain on your parade. Keep on having fun here. I'll be following along, just for fun too, and I might even surprise you with a meme or two from time to time. Seriously. 😎
And the more off topic, the better, right? 🤣 🤣 🤣
I know you'll agree that there's nothing more appropriate!
Edit: provoking paranoia is fun, I mean, it can be funny, often hilarious, but you've got to be mean, and I try to keep a lid on the dark side. Mercy tends to win out in my case.
Lemme edit something here between you and me...
I never enjoy hearing that my work here is taken as meaningless memetic trades withe the hope of spectacle cash.
You should know that I even feel that my comments are very valuable and not just to toast jokes...
I actually get a lot of Shit done here Bruv and rewards curves be damned... this network effect is serios business to me... S E R I O U S
I was hoping you wouldn't misunderstand. Suffice it to say that you are one of the few I would invite over to a barbecue . . . even if we don't understand each other half the time! :D
Edit: Unless, that is, you really do have several accounts that you use to game the system, in which case, and I'm sure you'll agree, you'd be better left in your own playroom where you'd be happiest. (If that were your mindset, you probably wouldn't enjoy the barbecue anyway. Logical.)
If you want to keep the memories good, stop talking to me on this platform. I've left this platform, and even though good manners propel me to answer, I detest having to repeat myself, so if you insist and I don't answer, be sure that I haven't answered to be rude, rather it means that you already have the answer in my timeline. Rest assured, it's all there.
I have nothing more to add on the matter.
Call me if you want answers.
720 326 4843.
I'm an open public author who prefers to use
HIVE over other networks.
I use it like a real user... Not to Botify theft.
The other accounts I have were made and passed on to others or are barely used. GANK started this Faggotry...
I'm only making the best of it usng MY Blockchain.
Kind regards.