Good morning lions, last night I had the craziest dream, i was chocked up with Expired task on Zealy and my b3 was just 1% 😂 preparing porridge yam for breakfast, join me😁😁
Good morning lions, last night I had the craziest dream, i was chocked up with Expired task on Zealy and my b3 was just 1% 😂 preparing porridge yam for breakfast, join me😁😁
good morning and it seems food is already set
Hahah yes of cause
yes it is seems you like porridge
I love it 🤤🤤
I love it too☺️☺️ especially beans porridge
Same here
Hahahhah that was no dream, that was nightmare... mine is power going down or the internet disconnecting, I hate those two always play with me.
Lolzzz well i prefer those two than the b3 aspect, 🤣🤣the b3 aspect is suicide
I would prefer that to the b3 aspect its suicide lolzz