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RE: Hive Punks Update

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Yesterday i bought one punk and after 50 minutes he arrived. Today i bought my second one and i am still waiting. But there is no problem. I can wait.

The main thing is that they arrive.

And for the first day, that was already very successful. A few teething problems were certainly to be expected.

I am satisfied.

Sort: --symbol PUNK --nftowner fredfettmeister
[   {   '_id': 1521,
        'account': 'fredfettmeister',
        'lockedTokens': {},
        'ownedBy': 'u',
        'properties': {   'hash': 'QmZfFghnDBfxFwg2KwdsyEWMLo9vfuDcnhWqKQg8sdbH1c'}},
    {   '_id': 4512,
        'account': 'fredfettmeister',
        'lockedTokens': {},
        'ownedBy': 'u',
        'properties': {   'hash': 'QmQK2JYiJVCQ7yQjbnHE6Y98UscSgpKbs7QF86Zk768PE8'}}]

You actually have it, just the metadata and site is till behind.

Thank you for that great project 👍