
Smile 😊😊😊, please am not a perfect man.... As I've always said, Who am I to judge?

I hope I haven't made you worse off.

"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

If you truly love someone, the are things you can count against him or her...

Love covers multitude of wrongs..

I hold nothing against any individual, I don't condemn so that I will not be condemn too..

I don't hate anyone but I only frown on the action and spirit behind that act.

Even so I believe I have wronged you. I will not forgive the multitude of transgressions. It was not one mistake, but an accumulation over time. There's a point at which no amount of love is enough, especially from a stranger. I should finish and close myself off from this account, if I had the least bit of decency. I don't think I do.

Hahaha! Please don't say so..

Even so I believe I have wronged you. I will not forgive the multitude of transgressions.

I count noting against you and will never.. ☺️☺️☺️..

Let those that wants to count wrongs keep on counting, they have time for that. Bravo to them... But for me, the time I will use for that, I better convert it to something useful for my life and future.

Those who keep peoples act in my are holding themselves too, so I better let go so that I can concentrate because even to the worst or most bad person has a bit of good in him or her..

Remember that no person was born bad or evil, there was a time in that persons life that he was good, but on thing or the other made him change his or her character or behavior towards things..

But I wonder why you are sounding this way today 🤔🤔.