
I'm not too savvy when it comes to this tech stuff, but if one injects their own rules into the blockchain, something probably goes "poof", doesn't it?

Absolutely! Having the consensus of the top 20 (or 21) witnesses is a strength in this case.

That's their duty. That stuff. If someone says "Hive should do marketing" I doubt the witnesses can do much about that unless the individual acts independently on the side, but that's not to be expected.

Right, marketing isn't a witness duty.

I suppose what you're referring to would be the Hive Community as a whole. Unfortunately, most individuals don't like taking actions into their own hands. It takes effort!

I spoke to an individual last week for the first time. Cool cat. They said "Hive needs to be more open and welcoming."

Referring to the people as you say. How is it possible to control all temperaments?

Impossible, indeed. We cannot (and should not) control individuals. We can only encourage people to be open and welcoming!

That might require a bit of a cultural overhaul. Hive is a bit inaccessible to a lot of casual users. A culture which welcomes people and permits them to make mistakes as they familiarize with Hive is something that could happen over time, provided more people are willing to create such an environment.

Heck, I'm certainly trying to establish one with FC - and I haven't even started bringing people in yet!

I accept it's no different than life. All walks of life experiencing both good and bad days.

What to people expect of a community? Go to Toronto. Get yelled at by one individual. "Toronto needs to chill out."