It's great to see the engagement and interaction with the posts here on Leofinance.
Leave A Comment On Every Post You Read
I don't agree with you on this point.
I often read blogs that are several hours, sometimes days old which have a lot of discussion already.
When I have nothing to add to the discussion, I don't leave a comment.
I also think 20 comments with "Nice blog" have really added value over a upvote.
This triggers the need for the author to say "Thank you" to all these comments.
[added later]
I also think commenting shouldn't be a goal on itself. I see people wanting to comment more. What really matters to me is the quality of the comment.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Without a doubt we want engagement, not just nice blog, thanks.
As for the number, lets be honest. Overall, for the amount of users, they are pretty pathetic. So yes we might get a lot of the bs comments as you mention, but the idea of leaving a comment on every post you read is a good mindset to have.
The fact that we have 14,000 accounts active daily on Hive yet there are barely that many comments left shows how poor the engagement is overall.
So thus if people focus upon 10, maybe they leave 3. That would go far in expanding the interaction on Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta