Hello my friend! 😊
This is a great post full of things for people that are just joining (or thinking of joining) Hive will find helpful.
You're right about figuring out the inner workings of the different parts of Hive helping you along the way. I've tried to get a grasp on the currency purchase and selling, but it never took, so I just transfer my funds to those that know how to use it when they need it. To me, this isn't real money as I can't access it, due to a lack of comprehension on how to do it on my part, but I don't see any reason for others not to be helped by my funds. 😊
I know I'm not the brightest bulb in the box most days, as my mind is clouded in chronic pain and I find it hard to focus. (That's one of the reasons I went from posting daily to weekly, easier on my brain to remember to post once a week than daily as the days are flying by so quickly now, and I can't keep up.) Life is full of issues, even life on Hive, sometimes you have to go looking for them, others they come to your feed in the form of a comment/reply, and reading your post touched on a lot of them, some are easier to work through than others and we all just have to give ourselves the grace to make mistakes. In my opinion, as long as we're willing to keep trying (get ourselves back up again after failing,) than we are all successful at life. We may need a moment to catch our breath after each knock down, but getting up and trying again makes us better and stronger in the long run. Never give up trying to learn, that's my motto, too bad things don't get retained like they used to when I was a young lass. LOL! 😊
Okay, I seem to have wandered off somewhere, so I'll leave it at that. Thanks for the thoughts and the chance to respond, in my own, sometimes unclear, way. 😊
God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊