
It seems the cold is common between places. Yesterday has been the coldest ever for us here, at least it how it felt for me. Now is a bit warmer so it's good. Hope it's the same with you😊

Yesterday has been the coldest ever for us here

It is still so cold over here during the night. We had to double our cover clothes to stay warm.

I'm hoping that today will be warmer.

Good morning sis, have a beautiful day ahead.❤

It's tough when it gets cold like that. Hope it's warmer today. Thank you sis and good morning to you. It's evening here now 😊

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It is a bit warmer this afternoon, oops! didn't realize we are that hours apart. It is still 12:44 pm over here.

Have a nice evening at your end.

Oh that's nice :) I think we are 8 hours apart hehe. Thank you sis and enjoy the rest of your afternoon :)

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This was me thinking that I'm the only one feeling this coarse cold in the month of February 🤧.

Happy Friday dear funshee✨🌼

You are not alone hehehe