This is something I've been thinking about for a few years, and I'm kind of shocked at this point to not see more mainstream integration for crypto use through the top banking intuitions.Great article @geekgirl,
I would propose this is for a plethora of reasons, but profit and centralization might be the biggest reasons it's taking so long.
Now the question is can Visa continue making money by charging per transaction even if they adopt crypto and process crypto payments? I believe so. Why not?
100% They can and they will. There's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind.
I see this ensuing war of sorts... Where the old school cryptonauts may hold large percentages of blockchain assets and will not agree to allow these financial institutions to be the "key holders" to their wallets.
Currently you can hold crypto on PayPal, but you don't hold the keys to that crypto wallet. I use PayPal, I do not use it for crypto, because I like to be the only one holding keys to my house.
Thank you for your thought provoking articles, you've been bringing us some great content these days my friend.